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  1. Chang, K.-C., Sarihan, M. C., Cheng, X., Erker, P., Mueller, A., Spiropulu, M., Shaw, M. D., Korzh, B., Huber, M., & Wong, C. W. (2023). Experimental high-dimensional entanglement certification and quantum steering with time-energy measurements arXiv:2310.20694
    A.S.M. assisted with configuring and operating the low jitter SNSPDs used.

  2. Mueller, A., Davis, S., Korzh, B., Valivarthi, R., Beyer, A. D., Youssef, R., Sinclair, N., Shaw, M. D., & Spiropulu, M. (2023). High-rate multiplexed entanglement source based on time-bin qubits for advanced quantum networks arXiv:2310.01804
    A.S.M. managed the project, collected all data, drafted the manuscript. To be published, accepted by Optica Quantum

  3. Cheng, X., Chang, K.-C., Sarihan, M. C., Mueller, A., Spiropulu, M., Shaw, M. D., Korzh, B., Faraon, A., Wong, F. N. C., Shapiro, J. H., & Wong, C. W. (2023). High-dimensional time-frequency entanglement in a singly-filtered biphoton frequency comb. Communications Physics, 6(1), 1–12.
    A.S.M. assisted with configuring and operating the low jitter SNSPDs used.

  4. Colangelo, M., Korzh, B., Allmaras, J. P., Beyer, A. D., Mueller, A. S., Briggs, R. M., Bumble, B., Runyan, M., Stevens, M. J., McCaughan, A. N., Zhu, D., Smith, S., Becker, W., Narváez, L., Bienfang, J. C., Frasca, S., Velasco, A. E., Ramirez, E. E., Walter, A. B., … Shaw, M. D. (2023). Impedance-matched differential superconducting nanowire detectors. Physical Review Applied, 19(4), 044093.
    A.S.M. assisted with jitter measurements using a low-jitter time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) system.

  5. Craiciu, I., Korzh, B., Beyer, A. D., Mueller, A., Allmaras, J. P., Narváez, L., … & Shaw, M. D. (2023). High-speed detection of 1550 nm single photons with superconducting nanowire detectors. Optica, 10(2), 183-190.
    A.S.M. assisted collecting jitter measurements and applied the demonstrated time-walk correction.

  6. Kapoor, K., Xie, S., Chung, J., Valivarthi, R., Peña, C., Narváez, L., Sinclair, N., Allmaras, J. P., Beyer, A. D., Davis, S. I., Fabre, G., Iskander, G., Kanter, G. S., Kettimuthu, R., Korzh, B., Kumar, P., Lauk, N., Mueller, A., Shaw, M.,… Wollman, E. E. (2023). Picosecond synchronization system for the distribution of photon pairs through a fiber link between Fermilab and Argonne National Laboratories. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 59(4), 1–7
    A.S.M. did foundational work underlying this paper at the Fermilab D0 laboratory.

  7. Mueller, A., Wollman, E. E., Korzh, B., Beyer, A. D., Narvaez, L., Rogalin, R., … & Shaw, M. D. (2023). Time-walk and jitter correction in SNSPDs at high count rates. Applied Physics Letters, 122(4).
    A.S.M. supervised this project, developed the initial time-walk method, collected all data, and drafted the manuscript.

  8. Davis, S. I., Mueller, A., Valivarthi, R., Lauk, N., Narvaez, L., Korzh, B., Beyer, A. D., Cerri, O., Colangelo, M., Berggren, K. K., Shaw, M. D., Xie, S., Sinclair, N., & Spiropulu, M. (2022). Improved heralded single-photon source with a photon-number-resolving superconducting nanowire detector. Physical Review Applied, 18(6), 064007.
    A.S.M. developed the high-threshold triggering method for resolving photon-number dependence in the differential single pixel SNSPD.

  9. Valivarthi, R., Narváez, L., Davis, S. I., Lauk, N., Peña, C., Xie, S., Allmaras, J. P., Beyer, A. D., Korzh, B., Mueller, A., Kiburg, M., Shaw, M. D., Wollman, E. E., Spentzouris, P., Oblak, D., Sinclair, N., & Spiropulu, M. (2022). Picosecond synchronization system for quantum networks. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(23), 7668–7675
    A.S.M. did foundational work underlying this paper at the Fermilab D0 laboratory, and provided some expertise on synchronization methods with SNSPDs.

  10. Mueller, A. S., Korzh, B., Runyan, M., Wollman, E. E., Beyer, A. D., Allmaras, J. P., … & Shaw, M. D. (2021). Free-space coupled superconducting nanowire single-photon detector with low dark counts. Optica, 8(12), 1586-1587.
    A. S. M. supervised this project, developed alignment and optical shrouding techniques, collected all data, and drafted the manuscript.

  11. Valivarthi, R., Davis, S. I., Peña, C., Xie, S., Lauk, N., Narváez, L., Allmaras, J. P., Beyer, A. D., Gim, Y., Hussein, M., Iskander, G., Kim, H. L., Korzh, B., Mueller, A., Rominsky, M., Shaw, M., Tang, D., Wollman, E. E., Simon, C., … Spiropulu, M. (2020). Teleportation systems toward a quantum internet. (PRX Quantum, 1(2), 020317). PRX Quantum.
    A.S.M. assisted from setup of the experiment and data collection while at Fermilab D0.